Asier Altuna

Feature film (100´)

In postproduction

Karmele (Jone Laspiur) is a Basque nurse exiled to France towards the end of the thirties. There, she meets Txomin (Eneko Sagardoy), a master trumpeter, with whom she shares a love story and political commitment between Paris, Caracas and the Basque Country. Together, they build a family and seem to have a great mutual understanding; until the time comes to choose between loyalty to family or ideas.

Technical information

100 Min / Colour / O.V Basque / Fiction / 1:1,85

Artistic sheet

Jone Laspiur

Eneko Sagardoy

Nagore Aranburu

Javier Barandiaran

Technical sheet

Direction & Screenplay:
Asier Altuna

Marian Fernandez Pascal

Javier Agirre Erauso

Laurent Dufreche

Aitor Etxebarria

Art director:
Zaloa Ziluaga

Alazne Ameztoy

Make-up & hair:
Lola López & Itziar Arrieta

Costume design:
Nerea Torrijos